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Chukwuemeka Onwuliri Nigeria Famous Places

Engr. Chukwuemeka Osmond Elihe Onwuliri is the son of former Nigerian Foreign Minister, Prof.(Mrs) Viola Onwuliri and Former FUTO University Vice Chancellor, Late Prof. Celestine Onwuliri. He started his career as an engineering undergraduate at University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) in 1999 eventually graduating as the school’s valedictorian with a First Class in Engineering before rapidly rising through the ranks in the Oil and Gas industry through nothing but perseverance and hard work.

 He later earnt an MBA from the University of Liverpool in the UK. Chukwuemeka has contributed to conference papers such as Record Coiled Tubing Aided Reach and First Real-Time Injection Profiling with Tractor in Extended Reach Well published in 2013, has won several awards like the coveted global Schlumberger Excellence-in-Action Award in 2010 for a new technology execution for Saudi Aramco and has received written commendations from Exxon Mobil, Shell, ENI and Chevron for his excellent work on their operations.


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